InnoLand Erasmus+ project



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InnoLAND Erasmus+ project starts

Szent István University, Faculty of Landscape Architecture and Urbanism partner in new Erasmus+ project InnoLAND
Press release
We are announcing that our Partner Institution, the Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (Vilnius Tech) Lithuania was successful in launching a new Erasmus+ project InnoLAND. In this project Szent István University, Faculty of Landscape Architecture and Urbanism is a partner together with Aalto University Finland, Le Notre Institute Netherlands, IFLA Europe, University of Evora Portugal and Technische Universitaet Wien Austria.
The objectives of INNNOLAND project are:
  • To set up a Common Training Framework (CTF) as a basis for European Landscape Architecture Education and as one important precondition of automatic recognition of landscape architects in the EU.
  • To set up on this basis a pan-European quality standard for Landscape Architecture study programmes and harmonising Landscape Architecture education in Europe on master level.
  • To develop an exemplar master study programme framework for Vilnius Gediminas Technical University and other higher education institutions in line with the European Common Training Framework.
The outcomes of InnoLAND project can be used for the needs of our profession inside the EU and also for whole Europe (COE area). Therefore, all members of IFLA Europe will get an added value from this project. IFLA Europe as an organisation of professionals is mainly engaged in the first part of the project – developing a Common Training Framework. This means to establish one framework for Landscape Architecture training, that will encompass education, practice and professional development based on different education documents which are partly existing and partly missing, In the EU this may be a precondition for the
automatic recognition of our professionals. IFLA Europe will be the responsible partner for this work package.
Szent István University representatives that will be active in this project are Professor Albert Fekete, Máté Sárospataki associata professor and István Valánszki, lecturer.
Project contract is already signed, activities started on 1st November 2020 and will last for 24 months.